The St. André International Center for Ethics and Integrity wishes to express its sincere appreciation to all those who have already donated financial support, material resources, or their valuable time to the Center (see also below).
Presently, the Center is seeking donations to enable students as well as professionals with modest financial means to attend one of the Center’s ethics seminars.
The St. André International Center for Ethics and Integrity is a not-for-profit entity, incorporated in the State of Nebraska, with a charitable objective. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America as of January 22, 2020 as exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c)(3). Donors subject to American income taxes can deduct contributions they make to the Center under IRC Section 170. The Center is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
The Center wishes to acknowledge specifically the following individuals for their generous donations:
- Dr. Henk ten Have for the donation of his extensive bioethics library to the Center.
- Mr. Ronald Sokol, LEXHELP Avocats Associés (13540 Puyricard, France) for his legal counsel in the founding phase of the Center.
- Drs. Linda Scheirton and Jos Welie for their ongoing financial support of the Center.